Driver Charged in Sports Arena crash (CBS 8)
Lemon Gove Councilwoman Arrested for Domestic Violence (San Diego Tribune)
City of San Diego issues Ordinance to Control Short-term Rentals (Fox 5 San Diego)
The City has issued an ordinance that will allow no more than 5,400 whole house units to be used as short-term vacation rentals. Permits will only be granted through a lotter system. Many San Diegans believe the vacation rental issue has pushed up the cost of living for long-term residents for years. Advocates of the ordinance say that this will result in more housing available to long-term renters and buyers.
SDG&E’s Rates Rise Again! (NBC 7)
SDG&E’s new proposal plans to raise rates again. If approved, taking effect in 2024, monthly bills could be increased by around $18 a month. Some San Diegans are recovering from the rate increase that took effect in January 2022. SDG&E argues the rates will “create long-term benefits for future generations.”
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