Commercial Accidents

San Diego Accident Lawyers

Commercial Accidents

It can be a confusing and overwhelming experience when you are involved in a motor vehicle accident, even more so if the other vehicle is a commercial vehicle.

We often get new clients who are not sure how to proceed against the other driver because it was someone on duty at work. Oftentimes, commercial vehicles involve delivery drivers who work for companies such as FedEx or UPS, or increasingly, for Amazon and other delivery services.
white commercial delivery van driving on road

Further compounding these issues, clients often suffer serious life changing injuries, such as a traumatic brain injury or severe back and neck injuries due to the size and impact of commercial vehicles that strike them.

An experienced injury lawyer is needed to guide you through the process of resolving a claim arising from a commercial accident or car accident.


Let our San Diego car accident lawyers help you navigate the legal system and insurance claims adjusters and get you the justice and compensation you deserve. Call us at 858-345-6289 for a free consultation.

Awards & Associations:

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We Will Always Fight For You

Our attorneys will never stop fighting until the fighting is done. We understand our clients’ injuries, the difficulties they face and we will be by your side until we obtain justice and the compensation you deserve.

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